Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Cards Against Mormonism

My brother and I grew up Mormon, but we no longer identify as such.  Nevertheless, the culture is unique, and there are many opportunities for squick, in-jokes and dark humor.  So, like everyone and their mothers, we decided to roll some of those up into an unofficial Cards Against Humanity expansion: Cards Against Mormonism.  A reminder: you may not get some of the jokes if you have never been Mormon, lived in Utah or or are otherwise considered a Gentile.  However, we took great pains to limit the amount of Utah-specific jokes.

The cards themselves were brainstormed under the influence of alcohol and put through the refiner's fire until about 100 unique cards (33 Black and 80 White) emerged.  Once the list was solid, we copied it into the brilliant Cards Against Humanity custom card batch processor.  It worked flawlessly the first time marking Pick 2's and adjusting fonts as needed.  This spat out two PDFs perfect for printing your own Mormon expansion to Cards Against Humanity.

This set is formatted to match the free print-and-play PDF still available on the CAH Website.  Like that set, it is shared under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0 license.  You can see the original doc with those that did and didn't make it in Google Docs if you want to try your own hand at it and bring some apostasy to game night.

DuncanYoudaho and FannyAlgersAbortion

Download Links:
White Cards
Black Cards

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Modest Mouse - Missed the Boat

The lyrics to this song got me through a very depressing and delicate time.  I had just split with my wife and given up on religion.  This song gave me comfort that a life without religion could still be fulfilling.  It pointed to a common experience many like me have had: general despair in the ability of the individual to decide a right course for themselves.